FANTASTIC VOYAGE -- 2013 Annual Auction
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Nike Tiger Woods Center
From Beehive to commencement, and at every stage in between, the Catlin Gabel experience is one Fantastic Voyage. We are proud to be a part of this unique and spirited community, whose diverse ideas, views, and voices shape our children into bold learners and thoughtful citizens. In the spirit of this inspired and fantastic voyage, we are honored to co-chair the 2013 annual auction.

As parents and community members, we believe in Catlin Gabel’s mission. We also understand that philanthropic contributions from each Catlin Gabel family make it possible for the school to provide a low student-teacher ratio, exceptional teachers, outstanding academic programs, and a strong commitment to financial aid. Proceeds from the annual auction support the Catlin Gabel Fund, the school’s fund for operating support. These funds are essential for the school to thrive and enrich the student experience.

We invite you to celebrate with us on Saturday, March 16, at the Tiger Woods Center, Nike World Headquarters, for a festive party, dinner, and silent & live auctions. To whet your appetite prior to the main event, there will be an online auction beginning Wednesday, March 6. 

Visit the FANTASTIC VOYAGE BLOG for event news and updates!

Kirsten Brady & Karen Hoke
Fantastic Voyage Co-chairs

Event Image

  • The Gordon D. Sondland and Katherine J. Durant Foundation
  • Washington Trust Bank
  • Ninkasi Brewing Co